DMCA / Remove content

A DMCA takedown notice occurs when content is removed from a website at the request of the content owner or copyright holder. While the DMCA is part of U.S. copyright law, content does not need to be officially copyrighted to initiate a takedown request. In some cases, ownership or being the subject of the content (e.g., a photo or video) can be enough to request its removal.

Takedown actions are initiated upon receiving a valid DMCA notice, in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The information contained in the legal notice will be forwarded to the individual or entity responsible for the alleged infringement.

For Models on CamDiretta

If you are a model on CamDiretta and believe that your consent has been violated or your content has been misused on, please contact us by email through the Support form on our website: to request the form to be completed. We are dedicated to addressing these issues and ensuring that all content respects your rights and permissions. Please allow up to 7 days for a response.

For Copyright Owners or Authorized Agents

If you are the copyright owner of content on CamDiretta or an authorized agent, please complete the DMCA complaint form.

Timeline for Acknowledgment and Action:

  • Acknowledgment: CamDiretta will confirm receipt of a valid DMCA complaint within 72 hours.
  • Review and Action: We will review and act on the complaint within 14 business days, which may include removing or disabling access to the content. If additional time is needed, we will notify you.